Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cost savings!

Because of the nature of my work, It's not always necessary for me to travel to the location where the construction is being undertaken. With modern communication, phone, fax, courier services and most common of all these days email, it's possible to provide advice and assistance in this manner. I'm currently providing such advice & assistance to a major European Cement Plant Contractor on their projects in North Africa, the Middle East and SE Asia.

The contract documents were delivered to me by courier, I was able to familiarise myself with several issues and send feedback by way of e-mail. It's an ongoing service and is working very well.

The reason for this post is to bring your attention to the fact that your costs can be considerably cut. No time lost for me, travelling thousands of kilometres across the world, no hotel and associated costs usually payable by you - all unnecessary but you receive the same standard of professional advice & assistance regardless! So please bear this in mind?

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